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How MrBeast Survived Being Buried Alive for a Week and Why He Did It - VK Virals

MrBeast, a YouTube star, spent 7 days in a coffin underground and filmed his experience. Find out what he went through, what motivated him, and what are the risks and issues of being buried alive.

MrBeast cries after being buried alive for 7 days: 'Mental agony'

MrBeast cries after being buried alive for 7 days: 'Mental agony'

MrBeast, a popular YouTube creator, claims to have spent 7 days in solitary confinement in a coffin and shares his experience in this video. He also shows other videos of his extreme challenges and stunts, such as surviving in a prison, a maze, or Antarctica.

Who is MrBeast?

MrBeast, whose real name is Jimmy Donaldson, is a 23-year-old YouTuber who has over 57 million subscribers on his channel. He is known for his generous social experiments that drop huge amounts of cash on unwitting bystanders, as well as his outrageous and dangerous stunts that often involve spending long periods of time in uncomfortable or risky situations. Some of his videos have reached over 100 million views, making him one of the most successful and influential creators on the platform.

What did he do?

On April 4, 2023, MrBeast uploaded a video titled "I Spent 7 Days Buried Alive" on his YouTube channel. In the video, he showed how he was sealed inside a coffin and buried underground for a week, with only a camera, a pillow, some blankets, and some supplies. He also had a phone to communicate with his friends on the ground, who occasionally checked on him and gave him some challenges to keep him entertained.

The video, which has over 308 million views as of now, documented his experience of being buried alive, which he described as "the most insane thing I've ever done". He said he felt claustrophobic, bored, smelly, and in pain after a day, and started to lose track of time and reality after a few days. He also said he had nightmares, hallucinations, and panic attacks during the ordeal.

On the seventh day, his friends dug him out of the coffin and celebrated his achievement. MrBeast was visibly emotional and cried as he hugged his friends and thanked them for their support. He said he felt like he had gone through a "mental agony" and that he would never do anything like that again.

Why did he do it?

MrBeast said he did the stunt to entertain his fans and to challenge himself. He said he wanted to see how far he could push his limits and how he would cope with being isolated and deprived of sensory stimulation. He also said he was inspired by other YouTubers who had done similar stunts, such as David Blaine, who spent 44 days in a glass box suspended above the Thames River in London in 2003.

MrBeast also said he did the stunt to raise awareness and money for a charity called Feeding America, which provides food to people in need across the United States. He said he would donate $1 for every 10 views the video got, and encouraged his fans to donate as well. He said he hoped his stunt would inspire people to help others and to appreciate their lives more.

How did people react?

MrBeast's video received mixed reactions from the public. Some people praised him for his courage, endurance, and generosity, and said they were impressed by his stunt. They also said they enjoyed watching his video and that it was entertaining and inspiring. Some people also said they felt sorry for him and that they were glad he was okay.

However, some people criticized him for his recklessness, stupidity, and irresponsibility, and said he was putting his life and health at risk for no good reason. They also said he was wasting his time and resources, and that he could have used his influence and money for better causes. Some people also said they were disgusted by his video and that it was disturbing and disrespectful to people who have died or suffered from being buried alive.

What are the risks of being buried alive?

Being buried alive is one of the most terrifying and traumatic experiences a person can go through. It can cause physical, psychological, and emotional harm, and even death. Some of the risks of being buried alive include:

Suffocation: The lack of oxygen and the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the coffin can cause a person to suffocate and die within a few hours. Even if the coffin has some ventilation, the air quality can deteriorate over time and become toxic.

Dehydration: The lack of water and the loss of fluids through sweating and breathing can cause a person to dehydrate and die within a few days. Dehydration can also cause headaches, dizziness, confusion, and organ failure.

Hypothermia: The low temperature and the lack of insulation in the coffin can cause a person to lose body heat and die of hypothermia within a few days. Hypothermia can also cause shivering, numbness, fatigue, and cardiac arrest.

Infection: The lack of hygiene and the exposure to dirt, bacteria, and insects in the coffin can cause a person to develop infections and diseases, such as tetanus, gangrene, sepsis, and necrosis. Infections can also cause fever, pain, swelling, and tissue damage.

Injury: The pressure and the weight of the soil on the coffin can cause it to collapse and crush a person inside. The coffin can also shift and tilt, causing a person to hit or cut themselves on the edges or the nails. Injury can also cause bleeding, bruising, and fractures.

Anxiety: The fear and the stress of being buried alive can cause a person to experience anxiety and panic attacks, which can increase their heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing, and worsen their physical condition. Anxiety can also cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

- Depression: The loneliness and the hopelessness of being buried alive can cause a person to experience depression and suicidal thoughts, which can affect their mood, motivation, and will to live. Depression can also cause insomnia, appetite loss, and weight loss.

Psychosis: The isolation and the deprivation of sensory stimulation can cause a person to experience psychosis and hallucinations, which can affect their perception, cognition, and behavior. Psychosis can also cause paranoia, delusions, and aggression.

What are the legal and ethical issues of being buried alive?

Being buried alive is not only a personal and medical issue, but also a legal and ethical issue. Some of the legal and ethical issues of being buried alive include:

Consent: The consent of the person who is being buried alive is essential for the legality and morality of the stunt. The person must be fully informed of the risks and consequences of being buried alive, and must voluntarily agree to do it without any coercion or deception. The person must also be mentally competent and capable of making rational decisions. The consent of the person can be revoked at any time, and the person must have a way to communicate their withdrawal of consent and request for help.

Responsibility: The responsibility of the people who are burying the person alive is crucial for the safety and welfare of the person. The people must have the necessary skills, equipment, and resources to perform the stunt, and must follow the proper procedures and precautions to minimize the risks and damages. The people must also monitor the condition and the progress of the person, and must be ready to intervene and rescue the person if needed. The people must also respect the rights and the dignity of the person, and must not exploit or harm the person for their own benefit or amusement.

Regulation: The regulation of the authorities and the society is important for the legality and morality of the stunt. The stunt must comply with the laws and the norms of the jurisdiction and the community where it is performed, and must not violate any rules or regulations that govern the burial and the disposal of human remains. The stunt must also be transparent and accountable to the public, and must not cause any nuisance or disturbance to the environment or the people.


MrBeast's stunt of being buried alive for 7 days was a remarkable and controversial feat that attracted millions of views and reactions. While some people admired his courage, endurance, and generosity, others condemned his recklessness, stupidity, and irresponsibility. The stunt also raised some physical, psychological, and emotional risks, as well as some legal and ethical issues, that need to be considered and addressed. MrBeast said he would never do anything like that again, and advised his fans not to try it at home.

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