This article explores the character of Will Rodman, played by James Franco, in the “Planet of the Apes” series. It examines his role, his relationship with Caesar, and his unresolved fate.
What happened to Will Rodman in Planet of the Apes series?
Will Rodman is a character in the movie series “Planet of the Apes”. He is played by James Franco. He is a scientist who makes a medicine for Alzheimer’s disease. He also raises Caesar, a smart ape who leads a revolt against humans. Many people wonder what happened to Will after the first movie.
Will’s role in the first movie
In the first movie, “Rise of the Planet of the Apes”, Will works on a medicine that can make the brain grow new cells. He tests it on apes and finds out that it makes them very smart. One of the apes is Caesar, who becomes like a son to Will. Will also gives the medicine to his father, who has Alzheimer’s disease. The medicine helps his father remember things, but it also makes him sick. The medicine also spreads to other people and causes a deadly virus.
Will tries to protect Caesar from the people who want to hurt him. He also tries to stop the virus from spreading. But he cannot stop Caesar from leading the apes to freedom. At the end of the movie, Will and Caesar say goodbye to each other. Will tells Caesar to go with his own kind. Caesar hugs Will and leaves. We do not see what happens to Will after that.
Will’s role in the second movie
In the second movie, “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes”, Will does not appear. But we see a flashback of him and Caesar when Caesar was young. Will teaches Caesar how to use sign language. This shows how much Will cared for Caesar and how he helped him learn. It also shows how Caesar learned to communicate with humans and other apes.
Will’s fate in the series
We do not know for sure what happened to Will in the series. Maybe he died from the virus. Maybe he survived and hid somewhere. Maybe he met Caesar again. The movies do not tell us. But we can guess that he was important to Caesar. He was the one who made Caesar smart. He was the one who raised Caesar like a son. He was the one who taught Caesar about humans and apes. He was the one who started the story of the “Planet of the Apes”.
In conclusion, the fate of Will Rodman in the “Planet of the Apes” series remains ambiguous, sparking curiosity and speculation among viewers. His character, portrayed as a compassionate scientist, forms a significant part of the narrative. His relationship with Caesar, the super-intelligent ape, not only forms the emotional heart of the story but also raises complex ethical questions about scientific development and its impacts. Will’s influence on Caesar is evident, shaping the ape’s understanding of human connection and communication.