Sam Bahadur is a biographical war drama film that showcases the life and achievements of Sam Manekshaw, India’s first field marshal. The film stars Vicky Kaushal, Fatima Sana Shaikh and Sanya Malhotra, and is directed by Meghna Gulzar. Read our review to find out why this film is a must-watch.
Sam Bahadur: A Film Review
Sam Bahadur is a film about the life of Sam Manekshaw, who was India’s first field marshal. He was a brave and respected leader who fought in many wars. The film is directed by Meghna Gulzar and written by her, Bhavani Iyer and Shantanu Srivastavaa. It is produced by Ronnie Screwala under RSVP Movies. The film stars Vicky Kaushal as Sam Manekshaw, Fatima Sana Shaikh as Indira Gandhi and Sanya Malhotra as Sam’s wife.
Box Office Collection
The film earned about Rs 5.50 crore on its first day, according to early estimates. This is a good start for the film, which may earn more in the coming days. The film has received positive feedback from the audience, who liked the story and the entertainment value of the film. The film is a tribute to Sam Manekshaw, who was a hero for India.
Audience Reactions
The film has impressed the fans of Vicky Kaushal, who has given a great performance as Sam Manekshaw. He has shown his acting skills and charisma in the film. The film also has good performances from Fatima Sana Shaikh and Sanya Malhotra, who play important roles in the film. The film has faced competition from Ranbir Kapoor’s ‘Animal’, but it has still got a good response.
The film has also got praise from Katrina Kaif, who is a popular actress. She shared her opinion on Instagram, where she said that the film is a “poetic beautiful classic film” that made her feel like she was in another time. She liked the film a lot and gave it a good review.
Sam Bahadur is a film that is worth watching. It is a film that tells the story of a great man and a great leader. It is a film that has good direction, writing and acting. If you have not seen it yet, you should go and watch it in the cinema. Tell us what you think of the film and stay tuned for more updates.